A published manuscript should be written in Korean or English. But, the manuscripts written in English should be published as a thesis which has the theme (fishery, engineering, policy, resource, polar regions, etc.) different from the publication theme of the 슬롯 꽁 머니 Science Journal co-published by KIOST(Korea Institute of 슬롯 꽁 머니 Science and Technology) and the Korean Society of 슬롯 꽁 머니ography or on a special edition (symposium, workshop, commemorative edition, etc.)
Manuscripts are classified into article, review, note or data and the author 슬롯 꽁 머니 specify its classification when submitting the manuscripts. And the final decision 슬롯 꽁 머니 be made by the editorial committee.
Submission and Application and Review Process
All manuscripts 슬롯 꽁 머니 be submitted through “Thesis Submission Management System” on the OPR website (http://opr.kiost.ac).
The manuscripts which do not observe the submission regulations or have many formal errors and typos 슬롯 꽁 머니 not be accepted and the acceptance 슬롯 꽁 머니 be decided by the thesis assessment committee and the editorial committee.
Submission date is set as the date when the manuscript is submitted to the OPR website and the submitted manuscript is not returned to the author.
Publication in this journal is totally FREE (No Article submission charges nor article processing charges and no publication fees).
This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
As peer review is the key factor on ensuring high quality articles based on an objective and balanced evaluation, papers submitted to 슬롯 꽁 머니 and Polar Research undergo peer review.
Publication 슬롯 꽁 머니
Manuscript is published in an 슬롯 꽁 머니 of acceptance. But, the committee chair can adjust the 슬롯 꽁 머니 with a request from the author or with a consideration of an academic field.
Correction & Printing
Accepted thesis 슬롯 꽁 머니 be sent to the author for correction and the author 슬롯 꽁 머니 correct and re-send the thesis within three days. Also, the thesis cannot be revised during the correction.
100 copies of each published thesis are offered for free of charge. Expense for further printing 슬롯 꽁 머니 be covered by the author.
Manuscripts 슬롯 꽁 머니 be written in Korean (or English), and a review by a native speaker is recommended for the manuscripts written in English before submission.
Manuscripts 슬롯 꽁 머니 be written in an order of title (Korean and English) name of the author (Korean and English), profession and address (Korean and English), English running title, abstract, key words, body, acknowledgements, reference, appendix (when necessary), table and figure. And the numbers of page and line 슬롯 꽁 머니 be marked on the manuscript.
Title of manuscript 슬롯 꽁 머니 be written in Korean and English and each word of English title 슬롯 꽁 머니 be capitalized except for article, preposition and conjunction.
When authors are Korean, their names 슬롯 꽁 머니 be connected with 「ㆍ」. When writing in English, names 슬롯 꽁 머니 be written in an order of first name and family name and their first letter 슬롯 꽁 머니 be capitalized. When the authors are two, their names 슬롯 꽁 머니 be connected with 「and」and when they are three, first person’s name and second person’s name 슬롯 꽁 머니 be connected with 「, 」and 「and」with the last person’s name.
Main author 슬롯 꽁 머니 be the first author and then second and third authors 슬롯 꽁 머니 be decided according to their dedication to the thesis. Corresponding author does not need to be the main author.
Profession 슬롯 꽁 머니 be marked on every author’s name with a subscript and * 슬롯 꽁 머니 be marked on the name of the corresponding author with his/her telephone number and e-mail address.
Ex) Kil Dong Hong1, Jae Dong Park2, and Young-Hee Kim1*
Profession 슬롯 꽁 머니 be composed of the organization and department he/she belongs to, address and postal code.
Abstract 슬롯 꽁 머니 be no more than 250 words and 5 or less key words 슬롯 꽁 머니 be marked under the abstract.
Contents and descriptions of figures and tables 슬롯 꽁 머니 be written in English and they 슬롯 꽁 머니 be marked as Fig.1 or Table 1 in the body. And the letter size of figures and tables 슬롯 꽁 머니 be readable when it is published.
Units 슬롯 꽁 머니 observe SI, Systeme International in principle and numbers and ℃, %, o, ', '' 슬롯 꽁 머니 be written without space, but with space with other units.
Citation: Citation in the body observes the following 슬롯 꽁 머니.
When 2 or less people : Kang (1983), Owa Kim (1990), (Choi and Lee 1990)
When three or more people : Park et al. (1991), Park et al. (1989), (Kim et al. 1990)
When two or more documents : (Lee 1981; Park and Jung 1984), (Chung 1984a, 1984b; Lee et al. 1990)
Reference: Observe the following rules and arrange in an order of 슬롯 꽁 머니 alphabetical order for 슬롯 꽁 머니 documents and alphabetical order for English documents.
Citation of academic journal
Il-Nam Kim and Dong-Seop Lee (2004) Hydrographic Features of the East Sea Analyzed by OMP Method. 슬롯 꽁 머니 Polar Res 26(4): 581-594
Hanemann M, Loomis J, Kaninnen B (1991) Statistical efficiency of double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation. Am J Agr Econ 73(4):1255-1263
Morel Y, McWilliams J (1997) Evolution of isolated interior vortices in the 슬롯 꽁 머니. J Phys 슬롯 꽁 머니ogr 27(5):727-748
Slifka MK, Whitton J.L (2000) Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. J Mol Med 78:74-80. doi:10.1007/s001090000086
Citation of a Whole Book
A) BookSuk-Woo Lee (1983) Introduction to Physical 슬롯 꽁 머니ography. Jipmoondang, Seoul, 268 p Ornitz BE, Champ MA (2002) Oil spills first principles. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 653 p Wada E, Hattori A (1991) Nitrogen in the 슬롯 꽁 머니: forms, abundances and rate processes. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 208 p Spickard PR, Daniel GR (eds) (2004) Racial thinking in the United States: uncompleted independence. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, 361 pB) 슬롯 꽁 머니 PaperKorean 슬롯 꽁 머니 Research & Development Institute (2006) Research on Environmental Risk Assessment of Special Management Area in Southern Sea (I): Research on Masan Coastal Area. Korean 슬롯 꽁 머니 Research & Development Institute, BSPE826-00-1496-5, 147 p Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fishery (2002) Investigation of into Mud Flat Ecosystem and Research on Sustainable Utilization Methods. Korean 슬롯 꽁 머니 Research & Development Institute, BSPM16100-1465-3, 885 p FAO (2005) Mortality of fish escaping trawl gears. FAO, Rome, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 478, 72 pC) DissertationJung-Gwan Seo (2004) At Nakdong River Stephanodiscus spp.슬롯 꽁 머니 on Bloom of (Diatoms). Doctoral Dissertation of Science, Busan University, 73 p Kim YH (2006) Numerical experiments on the North Korean Cold Current in the East 슬롯 꽁 머니. Ph.D. Thesis, Seoul National University, 126 p
Citation of a Part from a Book
A) CompilationJae-Cheol Choi (2001) International Environmental Law: Development and Environmental Protection System for the Future Generations. In: Yun-Gyeong Oh (Complation) 21st Century Modern International Law 슬롯 꽁 머니. Bakyoungsa, Seoul, pp 533-357 Fisher RV, Schmincke HU (1984) Volcaniclastic sediment transport and deposition. In: Kenneth P (ed) Sediment transport and depositional process. Blackwell, Edinburgh, pp 351-388 Levin SA, Pacala SW (2003) Ecosystem dynamics. In: Maler KG, Vincert JR (eds) Handbook of environmental economics, vol 1. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 61-95B) ProceedingsChang-Sik Kim, Hak-Su Lim and Jin-A Kim (2006) Three-Dimensional Movement Predicting Experiment of Suspended Load by 슬롯 꽁 머니 Salt Collection. In: 2006 Korean Marine Technology Joint Academic Conference Abstracts, Bexco, Busan, 15-16, May, 2006, pp 157 Chung S-T, Morris RL (1978) Isolation and characterization of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid from Streptomyces fradiae. In: Abstracts of the 3rd international symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganisms, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 4-9 June 1978
Web Source
Ministry of Environment (2008) Enforcement Regulations of Persistent Organic Pollutants Management Act. http://www.me.go.kr/. Accessed 13 Mar 2008
Doe J (1999) The dictionary of substances and their effects. Royal Society of Chemistry. http://www.rsc.org/dose/title. Accessed 15 Jan 1999
Observation of 슬롯 꽁 머니 Ethics and Detection of Plagiarism
All the authors who present thesis on the 슬롯 꽁 머니 and Polar Research should submit original thesis based on their scholarly conscience for the establishment of research ethics and academic development and should observe operation guidelines of the academic journal’s research ethics and authenticity committee.
Plagiarism Detection Software (iThenticate) is used to detect a plagiarism of manuscript.
Publication Right and & Copyright
Publication rights and intellectual property rights of the theses appeared in the 슬롯 꽁 머니 and Polar Research belong to the Korean 슬롯 꽁 머니 Research & Development Institute and the author of the theses should transfer the rights to the Korean 슬롯 꽁 머니 Research & Development Institute according to a certain form.
But this journal allow the author to hold copyright and retain publishing right with non-commercial purpose. The author 슬롯 꽁 머니 state a source of origin.
The Address of the editorial committee is deleted.